Advanced Synchronization Primitives in Python

Using Semaphore, Event, and Condition for Thread Coordination

Synchronization is a crucial aspect of concurrent programming. It ensures that multiple threads or processes can operate on shared resources without conflicts, leading to data corruption or unpredictable behavior. While locks are commonly used for synchronization, Python provides several advanced synchronization primitives like Semaphore, Event, and Condition for more complex thread coordination.

In this post, we will explore these advanced synchronization primitives, understand their use cases, and demonstrate their application with detailed examples. We will also cover best practices to avoid deadlocks and ensure thread safety.

What are Synchronization Primitives?

Synchronization primitives are low-level mechanisms that control the execution order of threads to ensure safe access to shared resources. These primitives help in coordinating the activities of multiple threads, preventing race conditions and other concurrency issues.

Common Synchronization Primitives:

  • Locks (or Mutexes): Ensure that only one thread can access a resource at a time.
  • Semaphores: Control access to a resource pool with a set limit.
  • Events: Allow threads to wait for an event to occur.
  • Conditions: Enable threads to wait for certain conditions to be met.

Using Semaphore

A Semaphore is a synchronization primitive that controls access to a shared resource through a counter. The counter decrements when a thread acquires the semaphore and increments when the thread releases it. When the counter is zero, any thread trying to acquire the semaphore is blocked until another thread releases it.

Example Code – Using Semaphore:

import threading
import time

# Define a semaphore with a maximum count of 3
semaphore = threading.Semaphore(3)

def worker(num):
    print(f'Worker {num} is waiting to acquire the semaphore.')
    with semaphore:
        print(f'Worker {num} has acquired the semaphore.')
        time.sleep(2)  # Simulate a task
    print(f'Worker {num} has released the semaphore.')

# Create and start multiple threads
threads = []
for i in range(5):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(i,))

# Wait for all threads to complete
for thread in threads:

# Output: 
# Worker 0 is waiting to acquire the semaphore.
# Worker 0 has acquired the semaphore.
# Worker 1 is waiting to acquire the semaphore.
# Worker 1 has acquired the semaphore.
# Worker 2 is waiting to acquire the semaphore.
# Worker 2 has acquired the semaphore.
# Worker 3 is waiting to acquire the semaphore.
# Worker 4 is waiting to acquire the semaphore.
# ...
# Worker 0 has released the semaphore.
# Worker 3 has acquired the semaphore.


  • threading.Semaphore(3): Initializes a semaphore with a maximum count of 3.
  • with semaphore: Acquires the semaphore. The thread is blocked if the semaphore count is zero.
  • time.sleep(2): Simulates a task being performed.

Using Event

An Event is a simple synchronization primitive that allows one or more threads to wait until an event is set. It has internal flags that can be set or cleared, and threads can wait for the flag to be set before continuing execution.

Example Code – Using Event:

import threading
import time

# Define an event
event = threading.Event()

def worker(num):
    print(f'Worker {num} is waiting for the event.')
    event.wait()  # Wait for the event to be set
    print(f'Worker {num} has detected the event.')

# Create and start multiple threads
threads = []
for i in range(3):
    thread = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(i,))

time.sleep(2)  # Simulate a delay
print('Setting the event.')
event.set()  # Set the event, allowing all waiting threads to proceed

# Wait for all threads to complete
for thread in threads:

# Output:
# Worker 0 is waiting for the event.
# Worker 1 is waiting for the event.
# Worker 2 is waiting for the event.
# Setting the event.
# Worker 0 has detected the event.
# Worker 1 has detected the event.
# Worker 2 has detected the event.


  • threading.Event(): Creates an event object.
  • event.wait(): Blocks the thread until the event is set.
  • event.set(): Sets the event, unblocking all waiting threads.

Using Condition

A Condition is a synchronization primitive that allows threads to wait until a certain condition is met. It is often used in conjunction with a lock to coordinate access to shared resources.

Example Code – Using Condition:

import threading
import time

# Define a condition
condition = threading.Condition()
shared_resource = []

def producer():
    for i in range(5):
        with condition:
            print(f'Produced {i}')
            condition.notify()  # Notify one waiting consumer
        time.sleep(1)  # Simulate production delay

def consumer():
    for i in range(5):
        with condition:
            while not shared_resource:
                condition.wait()  # Wait for the producer to produce an item
            item = shared_resource.pop(0)
            print(f'Consumed {item}')

# Create producer and consumer threads
producer_thread = threading.Thread(target=producer)
consumer_thread = threading.Thread(target=consumer)



# Output:
# Produced 0
# Consumed 0
# Produced 1
# Consumed 1
# Produced 2
# Consumed 2
# Produced 3
# Consumed 3
# Produced 4
# Consumed 4


  • threading.Condition(): Creates a condition object.
  • condition.notify(): Notifies one waiting thread.
  • condition.wait(): Waits until notified.

Best Practices for Avoiding Deadlocks and Ensuring Thread Safety

Avoiding Deadlocks:

  • Acquire Locks in a Consistent Order: Always acquire multiple locks in the same order to avoid circular dependencies.
  • Use Timeouts: Use timeouts when acquiring locks to prevent threads from waiting indefinitely.
  • Minimize Lock Scope: Keep the locked section of code as short as possible to reduce the chances of deadlock.

Ensuring Thread Safety:

  • Use High-Level Primitives: Use higher-level synchronization primitives like Semaphore, Event, and Condition instead of low-level locks when possible.
  • Avoid Shared State: Minimize the use of shared state between threads. Use thread-safe data structures or encapsulate shared state access within synchronized methods.
  • Test Thoroughly: Test your code under various conditions to ensure it behaves correctly in a multi-threaded environment.


In this post, we’ve explored advanced synchronization primitives in Python, such as Semaphore, Event, and Condition. These tools provide more flexibility and control over thread coordination compared to simple locks. By following best practices and understanding the use cases for each primitive, you can write more efficient and robust concurrent programs.

If you have any questions or experiences to share, please leave a comment below. Don’t forget to try out the examples and experiment with different scenarios. Stay tuned for more posts on concurrency and parallelism in Python!

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